Vitality dethrones FaZe in World Rankings by Claiming the NO. 1 Spot

And it finally happened… Vitality has managed to dethrone FaZe in World Rankings by claiming the NO.1 Spot. Leaving FaZe in the NO. 2 position, at least for now. This marks the return of the French CS:GO team to the top since December 2020. Keep reading to find the full coverage on how this happened.

How did Vitality claim the NO.1 Spot in World Rankings?

The community is in shock with what happened, but as many fans agree, this event has been unexpected but well-deserved. However, how did this happen? Here’s the explanation on how Vitality made it back to the throne.

It all started with the team’s victory in the ESL Pro League Season 16, where they claimed the NO. 1 Spot. But this alone wouldn’t have been enough, but thankfully for Vitality, FaZe lost points due to the removal of IEM Cologne from the recent event subranking. This combination has cleared the way for Vitality to come back to the throne, and they’ve successfully achieved it.

This move has brought Vitality a privileged position ahead of the BLAST Showdown, because this boost in morale will surely help them to have a majestic performance.

The team seems to be at their highest performance right now, especially after a decisive win in the ELS Pro League Season 2016 – and we can really feel it:

Is the FaZe era over?

It’s hard to say if they’ll make it back to the NO.1 spot because there’s a lot of movement in the rankings. For example, NaVi was dethroned from NO.1 spot by Liquid, and that’s another huge move. NaVi has experienced this drop after putting “⁠b1t⁠” (Valeriy Vakhovskiy) in their initial lineup, which has caused fans to critique the organization.

If Liquid manages to keep going strong at this pace, they could even stand a chance at claiming the NO. 2 spot in the ranking, leaving FaZe away from the top.

It’s also fair to mention that Outsiders is successfully back in the top 10, after claiming the NO. 7 spot. Even though the team is away from the top 3, this is another example of how much movement the World Rankings is experiencing, and how it could affect FaZe’s chances of getting back to the top.

A strong downtrend

FaZe and NaVi are not along in the downtrend, because Movistar Riders and Astralis have been hit even harder, by dropping 8 and 5 positions down respectively. There’s a lot of movement in the World Rankings, and it’s fair to say that anything could happen.

At the moment of writing this article (17/10/2022), this is how the top 10 ranking looks like:
